Call 763-525-0306 to learn more and schedule an appointment.
The dental examination is a diagnostic evaluation of a patient’s overall oral health and hygiene.
During a dental examination, the doctor or hygienist may…
- check for signs of decay or periodontal disease
- ask about any medications
- x-ray using low radiation digital imaging
- evaluate occlusion (bite)
- evaluate jaw
- discuss proper cleaning
- remove stains or debris
- take a dental impression
The doctor or hygienist may also perform an oral cancer exam. This involves feeling around the cheeks, gums, and tongue, under the jaw, and the sides of the neck for signs of oral cancer.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why does Dr. Schaus encourage all patients to complete a comprehensive examination to develop a long-term master plan?
After observing patients for over 15 years, I would say that there are generally two paths that patients choose when it comes to their teeth as they age. The first group seeks care only when something happens and their future is unpredictable. At best, this ends with a lifetime of constant repair and much frustration. For many, despite seeing the dentist every 6 months throughout their life, this leads to the loss of their teeth. The second group stops at some point, takes a step back, makes an assessment of where they are (a comprehensive exam), finds clarity on what they want for their mouths in their later years, ponders the choices that are available for them to get what they want and systematically moves their oral health to a place that allows them to literally stop their mouths from aging.