Call 763-525-0306 to learn more and schedule an appointment.
We are proud to say that we are a mercury-free and mercury-safe dental practice. Mercury-free means that we do not place mercury containing dental fillings. Mercury-safe means that we have a protocol for removing mercury fillings safely. We are SMART Certified and follow strict protocols set by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) for the removal of mercury fillings from the mouth. SMART stands for Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique and includes the following:
- an external source of oxygen is provided during the removal process
- a non-latex nitrile rubber dam is placed to properly seal the patient’s mouth
- copious amounts of water reduce the heat produced and a high-speed evacuation device captures mercury discharge
- the amalgam filling is sectioned into chunks to remove it in as large of pieces as possible
- a high-volume air filtration system is used as an at source oral aerosol vacuum
- an amalgam separator which collects silver and mercury contaminants is properly installed, utilized and maintained to protect the environment

As is the case with many systemic issues, it is not possible to make claims or guarantee the improvement of one’s health following the removal of mercury dental fillings. Our promise is that we will do our best to remove all mercury safely, with little to no exposure of mercury and its vapors to you, our team and the environment.